2024 COVID Protocols
Do not come if you’re feeling sick or have had known COVID or other respiratory virus exposure with the past 7 days, or if you've recently had COVID and are still within 5 days of being symptom-free. Contact us at SquirrelMoonReg@gmail.com for a refund or questions. (Current CDC respiratory guidance recommendations are here.)
Feel free to wear a mask if you wish. N-95 or equivalent are the most effective masks. We will all be supportive if you choose to wear a mask.
We will again dine outside in a 20’x40’ open-sided tent, weather permitting. The tent may be used for shade, socializing and jamming during non-meal times.
We will again strive to dance hall windows open with fans to aid air exchange, weather permitting.
These protocols are subject to change if conditions change. If they do change, you’ll be permitted to unregister without penalty.